Title: An In-Depth Look at Police Voluntary Interview Questions: What to Expect and How to Prepare

When it comes to understanding the criminal justice system, the police voluntary interview process is a crucial aspect that deserves attention. Whether you're a witness, suspect, or simply curious about the procedure, it's essential to know what to expect and how to prepare for it. This article will provide a comprehensive analysis of the questions you might encounter during a police voluntary interview, along with practical tips to help you navigate this experience confidently and effectively.
Understanding the Police Voluntary Interview Process
A voluntary police interview, sometimes referred to as a "caution plus three" or "PACE" interview, is a formal discussion between you and the police, conducted under caution, but without the need for an arrest. Although voluntary, these interviews are recorded and can be used as evidence in court. They generally cover a range of topics, from witness accounts to suspected involvement in criminal activities.
Common Questions in a Police Voluntary Interview
Though the specific questions asked during a voluntary interview will depend on the circumstances, here are some typical categories to expect:
a) Personal Information: You will be asked for basic personal details such as your name, address, date of birth, and occupation.
b) Incident Overview: The interviewer will inquire about the incident in question, including your knowledge, perspective, or involvement. They may ask you to recount specific events or provide details about other individuals involved.
c) Alibis and Timelines: To establish a clear timeline of events, you may be asked where you were during the incident, whether you were alone or with others, and if anyone can confirm your whereabouts.
d) Evidence and Contradictions: Police may question you about any inconsistencies in your story, physical evidence (e.g., fingerprints, DNA), or digital evidence (e.g., text messages, emails) that could link you to the incident.
e) Motive and Opportunity: In some cases, the interviewer will explore potential motives for your involvement in the incident or ask how you might have had access or opportunity to participate in the alleged crime.
Tips to Prepare for a Police Voluntary Interview
a) Understand Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with your rights during a voluntary interview, including the right to remain silent, the right to consult a solicitor, and the right to leave at any time.
b) Seek Legal Advice: Consider consulting a solicitor before the interview. A solicitor can provide guidance on the questions you may face and how to respond effectively, without incriminating yourself.
c) Be Honest: It's crucial to be truthful during the interview. Providing false information can lead to criminal charges, and inconsistencies in your account may raise suspicion.
d) Stay Calm and Composed: Maintain a calm demeanor and take your time when answering questions. It's better to pause and think before responding than to provide a hasty, inaccurate answer.
e) Take Notes: After the interview, jot down the questions you were asked and your responses. This information can be useful if the case proceeds to court.
Police voluntary interviews can be a daunting experience, but with proper preparation and an understanding of the process, you can confidently navigate this important aspect of the criminal justice system.
Familiarize yourself with the frequent questions, know your rights, and consider seeking legal advice to ensure you're well-equipped to handle any situation that may arise.
Can you be more specific?
The questioning must be relevant.
Let's take an example of an allegation of a theft from a shop. Clearly any questioning about a theft from a shop would not cover topics like who won the FA cup last week.
The questioning must be relevant. It must be about the offence in question. For instance, if the offence happened in Sainsburys what would be relevant is what happened in Sainsburys that day. Not what event happened three months ago at your home address involving your partner.
2. It should be legal.
Again, take the offence above - shop theft.
Now theft is defined in law as "The dishonest appropriation of property with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of it".
So , I would expect questions in a voluntary interview or otherwise like:
Did you take the item? - relevance Appropriation.
Why did you take the item? - relevance Intention.
Did you intend to return it? - relevance Permanently depriving the owner
Whose item, was it? relevance - Owner
etc etc
You should be aware that most voluntary interviews cover several offences. It is therefore important to know the legal definitions of the offences concerned and to get disclosure from the police officer of what evidence the police have got - see our previous blog posts about police disclosure.
Oh, by the way! You need a criminal solicitor or police station accredited representative. If you want to know why again look at our previous blog posts.
3. Questioning should be fair.
Presently U have a book open on my table re Police questioning
It sets out unfair questions and I'll just list them for you to show you how many there are!
Questioning should not be:
About other offences.
Concerning a co-suspect.
Based on dubious or nonexistent evidence.
Amount to an inducement to confess.
Be oppressive.
Be bullied.
Right so what are these then?
Well frankly the only way you are going to know what is and what is not is if you are a criminal lawyer or police station representative. A word of advice. Get one for the interview! In England and Wales, it is free under the legal advice and assistance scheme. Ask the police to contact the duty solicitor on your behalf or contact a local criminal solicitor who does criminal legal aid work. It's free and may make the difference between you going to prison or you walking out of the station without a stain on your character.
This article is written by Robert Cashman, a practicing criminal solicitor with a national firm of Criminal Solicitors. It does not purport to be a exact statement of English law but for guidance only and you should always get independent legal advice about your specific situation.
Robert can be contacted via https://www.policestationagent.com/